About Me

Hi, my name is Jen Pearlstein, and I am a doctoral candidate in the Clinical Science area at the University of California, Berkeley. I live in the Bay Area with my husband and our adorable dog. I am disabled due to low vision. I write this blog with the hope of increasing awareness and empathy for the experience of people with disabilities. 

In my day to day, I am a researcher and a clinician-in-training. I conduct multilevel research on emotions, cognitive control, stress, and psychopathology. I am captivated by the ways our emotions alter our decisions, as well as how and why a tendency to act in congruence with emotional impulses establishes vulnerability for psychopathology, particularly mood disorders. I am also interested in how stressors, such as minority identity and early life adversity, impact this tendency and symptoms of psychopathology. Alongside my clinical and research interests, I am passionate about advocacy, equity and inclusion. 

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